Tom Tancredo in heated debate on illegal immigration.

Tom Tancredo points out that of the 700 miles of fence that Janet Napalitano touts as being fenced, actually only 33 miles is the double fence that is affective. The rest is mostly just wire fence that can be driven through or cut with wire cutters. Tom Tancredo explains that the real answer to the problem is a national E-verify program that is not voluntary. With the enoforcement of E-verify most illegals will self deport. When the jobs are not there the people will go home. There is no need for deportations as described by the progressive media. Immunity or The Dream Act as pushed by democrats would cause even more large scale immigration due to family unification part of the immigration bill. As soon as, anyone becomes of legal status there family is entitled to the same legal status, bringing in more and more immigrants.

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About Marla

Graphic Designer, Tea Partier, Blogger from Colorado.
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3 Responses to Tom Tancredo in heated debate on illegal immigration.

  1. Morgan says:

    My sympathies certainly lie more with the legal immigrants than with the illegal immigrants. Those who choose to immigrate the correct way, as I understand it, are subjected to bureaucratic red tape, high costs and years of waiting before they can complete the process (if I’m wrong on any of that, do correct me), and all the while are being made fools of by those who choose to immigrate illegally, and members of our government bend over backwards to accommodate them. It seems to me the real elephant in the room is the need to reform the legal immigration process.

  2. Federally mandated E-Verify will result in ALL employers being forced to ASK D.C. for permission to employ anyone including their children. We have already seen where the Federal Dept. of Labor wants to prevent a farmer from having his / her own children under the age of 18 working for him / her. We already have way too much involvement in our daily lives by the federal government. Mandatory E-Verify will do absolutely nothing in the way of controlling the hiring of illegal aliens. Honest patriots already do not hire illegal aliens. Those who hire illegal aliens will continue to do so. WE NEED SECURED BORDERS AND STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF U.S. Visit. We need full roll out of 287(g), properly funded, and we need to enforce deportations. The current practice of illegal aliens being apprehended and allowed to hire an attorney to obtain a work visa is a sick joke on Americans! What will mandatory E-Verify do to fix this? Nothing! Stop sending federal tax dollars to sanctuary cities / states and you will see how fast we fix this problem!!!

  3. Pingback: Rape Suspect Flagged as Illegal Released Weeks Before Committing Murder | Tom Tancredo

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